That's it for Weesh, kids! It's been a fun, fabulous and magical trip for these seven years, and I hope you've all had as much fun as I had.

This isn't the last you'll see of Weesh, however. I've only compiled the first four years of strips into books thus far, which means there's three more books to come out in the near future, once I assemble the pages and create the original content. Yes! If you weren't aware, the Weesh books feature artwork and stories you won't find anywhere online. Head over to the Store page to pick them up, if you haven't already.

Meanwhile, I have yet to decide what my next project is, be it another webcomic, prose, a webapp or game of some kind. There's a few household chores and stuff I've been putting off while finishing up Weesh, so I'll have to take care of those before doing anything else. Yes, Mom, this includes cleaning my house.

But, if you want to be the first to know what's next for me and Venis Productions, follow me on Twitter at @dansaysstuff - I don't post often, but it's the best place for me-type news.

Thanks everyone, have fun, and I'll see you at the next stop!
July 17, 2015

©2008-2024 Dan Hess    Distributed by Venis Productions