July 27, 2008

from Bekul
July 27, 2008
Oh wow, color! And flowers! So... so many flowers...

It looks like even the flowers have flowers on them! And you know what comes after flowers? Bees! Aaaaaah!

... of course, it would be fun to run and play in a flower world... at least until the bees arrive...
from Debi
July 27, 2008
Bees...maybe it would bring them back from where ever they have gone...hmmm. Some say they left for a prettier alien world...some say they are aliens...could explain why they sting us alot...Bee Issues!!! I could handle the flowers for a short period of time and I'd need lots of antihistimine!!!
from Kaelin
August 3, 2008
This strip reminds me of a similar horror from Dan (mercifully in black-and-white): http://www.venisproductions.com/angelmoxie/archives/2/2/228.html
from wolf
April 21, 2010
from BradyCor
April 30, 2012
Well... your art style sure has improved over the years ^^
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