Beau requested Weesh as a lead singer. So, I made him act like one of my favorite lead singers. Keep those doodle requests coming, via email or comment!
January 18, 2009

from Bekul
January 18, 2009
Rockin! He's a class act. 8)
from Debi
January 23, 2009
Where's his hat?
from bo_man3
January 24, 2009
tell Weesh to give me back my shirt!
from August
January 24, 2009
As always, those are absolutely priceless expressions and poses. He looks completely natural in that shirt, too... I just wonder what it is he's singing (and who his backup band is, if any).
from Debi
February 8, 2009
The Beau Band, of course!
from wessodog
October 10, 2009
I first thought that Weesh was doing stand-up comedy at the local improv.... wd
from wolf
April 21, 2010
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