If you were expecting a Sunday-style strip, my apologies. I've been working hard trying to get stuff done so I can leave for a week and a half and not have any problems. At conventions, I have a pile of $1 doodles I keep full all weekend long. They're just simple ballpoint pen sketches of whatever comes to mind. They seem to make people happy, so I keep doing them. I had a couple Weesh-themed ones left over from Ohayocon, so here's one of them. Enjoy!
February 8, 2009

from Bekul
February 12, 2009
Cyborg zombie pirates!
from HalfWinter
February 13, 2009
Aw comon, was the naruto reference necessary? =(
from August
February 14, 2009
Considering it's Tate? ... Yes.
from tudza
April 14, 2009
It's Wagner

Naruto oooo

Naruto oooo

Natuto oooooooooooo!
from wolf
April 21, 2010
ninja-faries lol!
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